Monday              8:30 to 3:30
         Wed. to Friday   8:30 to 4:00

Tuesday is meeting day, so I close at 3:00.
OPEN EVERY LUNCHTIME (Board games are available to be signed out during lunch.)

Students may borrow two fiction books at one time and up to three non-fiction books for a school project.
The borrowing period is three weeks.
Borrowing privileges may be suspended until overdue books are returned.

Since many series books are in high demand, please return these as soon as possible.

Food and drink are not permitted in the library. Cell phone calls are not permitted.

Our custodians work hard to maintain a pleasant,  comfortable environment in the library. Please help them by picking up after yourself and tucking in your chair.

All students are most welcome to make good use of our library. Absolute silence is not necessary, but be aware of the needs of others around you  and engage in gentle conversation. Thank you.