Wednesday 8 August 2012


I've just reviewed the novel Blood Red Road by Moira Young. You'll find the review on the Book Reviews page. If you scroll down that page, you will also find instructions on how to write an informative review. You can also comment on the books reviewed or post your own recommendations. I'd love to hear from you!

Thursday 2 August 2012

I'm back !

After a lovely, lazy July, the month of August begins my transition back to the real world of students
and teachers, bells and books. I hope you have all been enjoying your break from school: spending time with friends, soaking up the sun, reading great books. I've read several novels that I plan to review in the next couple of weeks. I'm also starting to compile lists of new books to order for the opening of the library in September. If you would like some input, now is the time to make some suggestions by commenting on this post. What have you read that you know that other students at HPSS will like?