Saturday 15 December 2012

Tra la la - it's holiday time!

There were 10 of us in the library yesterday afternoon, munching on pizza while we dissected Life of Pi by Yann Martel. This tale of intelligence, determination and faith winds up with an ending that poses startling questions about Pi's story and about our own stories. As usual, our discussion was lively, intense, insightful and funny.

If any of you in grade 11 and 12 would like to join the Senior Book Club, see Ms. Schmor in the library to pick up the next book. For January, we'll be reading The Cellist of Sarajevo by Steven Galloway. Our first meeting, to discuss the first half, will take place on Friday, January 18th.

In a few days, we'll all be off to enjoy two weeks of holidays. Be sure to come and select a couple of books to read - I've got some suggestions in the new book box at the top of this page.

Wishing you a joyous holiday filled with family, friends and great times!