A student recommended the new series, Boruto, which is the next generation of Naruto. We've got the two available volumes and the early word is that it's a terrific new series.
Welcome to BookBuzz! Reading is both a rewarding individual activity and an exciting shared experience. I hope this blog will help to connect the community of readers at Ecole Heritage Park Middle School by introducing new books in the library, publishing student reviews, advertising events and contests, and discussing the latest trends in reading. If you wish to publish a book review, please email it to Christine.Schmor@mpsd.ca.
Sunday, 10 September 2017
We've got a great selection of manga in our library, and I just added all 22 published volumes of Attack on Titan. Come in for a browse of the manga shelves - you will find something amazing to read.
A student recommended the new series, Boruto, which is the next generation of Naruto. We've got the two available volumes and the early word is that it's a terrific new series.
A student recommended the new series, Boruto, which is the next generation of Naruto. We've got the two available volumes and the early word is that it's a terrific new series.