Several students have expressed an interest in writing and publishing book reviews on this blog. I'd be delighted to post reviews because there is no better way to choose a great book than through word of mouth recommendations. Unless anyone strenuously objects, I'd like the review policy to be that only thoughtful, specific and generally positive reviews will be found here. Every book has its weaknesses and you are welcome to point those out, but the real purpose of the reviews is to help your fellow students find good books to read. Besides, a book that one student dislikes might be another's favorite, yet one scathing review might prevent anyone else from ever picking up that book again.
Your reviews do not have to be lengthy. You should begin with an introduction to the main characters, the setting and the plot. Set the scene and hint at future twists, but no spoilers please. If you know the genre or type of literature (paranormal, fantasy, romance, mystery, thriller, science fiction, humour, survival, dystopian, steampunk, relationship issues etc.) make mention of it.
Next, explain what you most liked about the novel. Try to be specific and provide examples where you can. If you simply say the story was interesting, you're not telling us much. But if you describe the characters as multi-dimensional, realistic and compelling and the plot as original, suspenseful and surprising, we have a much more clear impression. You can mention some weaknesses at this point, but they should not overshadow the novel's strengths.
Finish with a recommendation. What kind of reader would be most drawn to this story? Is the novel appropriate for a certain age group or for anyone? Does the novel put forward an important theme or lesson about life? Is this a series book that will have readers looking for the sequels? Is this a book that will change a reader's life?
Once you have written your review, email it to me at I will edit it for spelling and punctuation (not content) and post it on the Review Page.
Every day I have students come in to tell me about the amazing books they just finished. Other students listen in and then pounce on the returned books to discover the magic for themselves. The Review Page could open up this inspiring experience for all of the students at HPSS. Can you think of a book you could recommend? Write a review!
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